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Fluke 9010A: last updated
December 23, 2022
All my spare 9010As have been sold. sorry!
Undocumented error messages on the 9010A:
9010A with xyz pod - error message on Bus Test "ADD ERR @ 0000-LOOP?"
1) No reference to it is the 9010A nor the 6800 pod manuals under Bus Test - or any other test. Perhaps this was an added treat for version 3A?
Note that the R/W line is not tied low or high, all address lines seem fine.
Pod reads 0000 just fine, but if I try to Write AAh to 0000 I get this above error msg, but not if I write 55h. Curious I then try writing 01h, 02h, 04h (all good), 08h - nasty error message! Then again with 10h, 20h, 40h, and 80h - all good.
Solution: The problem turned out to be a tiny solder bridge between D3 and A2! Pity the Fluke couldn't say anything about that other than this cryptic message.
2) 'More' work on this error message (Use the MORE key to get here):
Pressing the MORE key gives me "ADDR BITS 0100 - LOOP?" so I assumed this was some sort of a decode issue and will proceed accordingly. Just thought I would post it here in case anyone else runs across this rare error message which I assume was added to the 3A ROMs in the 9010, but not to the manual - at least the copy I have... (later) It was indeed a problem with some address lines. For only A7 and A8 when loop reading @ 0000 (easiest - all should be Low) with the 9010 probe (set to Address) the Low light was flickering, not steady Low. Turned out to be a 74LS367 that had two inputs that were somehow pulling the lines slightly high. This did not show up when doing a ROM or BUSS test - only in either of the RAM tests.
Ran into this "ADDR ERROR @ 0000-LOOP? another time, this time it was an Address line (A5) shorted to a Data line (D7).
It doesn't matter which Data line the address line is shorted to, it sometimes gives the following message:
Any Data line shorted to A0 gives/More ADDR BTS 0001-LOOP?
Any Data line shorted to A1 gives/More ADDR BTS 0002-LOOP?
Any Data line shorted to A2 gives/More ADDR BTS 0004-LOOP?
Any Data line shorted to A3 gives/More ADDR BTS 0008-LOOP?
Any Data line shorted to A4 gives/More ADDR BTS 0010-LOOP?
Any Data line shorted to A15 gives/More ADDR BTS 8000-LOOP?
Fluke 9100A:
We have one Fluke 9100A base unit available starting at $2995US - this does not have the programming option.
It is running 6.1 software on SD card or later with 4MB of ram. Working floppy drive is extra..video card (programming option) is $500USD extra.
Fluke Pods New Old Stock (sealed in Fluke factory bags):
9000-1802 - $595US
9000-8048 - $795USD
Fluke Pods - used, self-tested. Note: we do not have any Z80 or 6502 pods - if not listed we don't have it, sorry!t)
68008 Emulator module for 68000 pod - $195US - (unable to test this.)
9000-8080 $495US - used, pod self-test = OK
9000-9900 $295US - used, pod self-test = OK
Modules for the 9100 base unit:
Y9100A Calibration Module $95US
Y9100A Clock Module - $145US
Y9100A Flying Lead Module - $145US
Y9100A 14D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Y9100A 16D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Y9100A 18D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Y9100A 20D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Y9100A 24D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Y9100A 28D Dip Clip Module - $95US
Other accessories are available - listing sooner or later...
Information on correct POD cables for reference purposes only - I don't have these cables:
UUT Cable | Style of Cable | POD(s) |
585141 | flat | 6502, 6802/8, Z80 (you can use a straight through 40 pin cable if yours is bad) |
604769 |
flat | 8080 |
650432 | shielded | Z8000 |
680595 | shielded | 1802, 8048/8041, 8051 |
680503 | shielded | 8086 |
680603 | shielded | 8088 |
685461 | shielded | Z80, Z80/AA, Z80QT |
685479 | shielded | 6502, 6800, 6802/6808 |
685487 | shielded | 8080 |
685495 | shielded | 8085 |
685610 | shielded | 68000 |
680611 (thanks Tony) |
shielded | 6809 |
The shielded (twisted pair) UUT cables are NOT interchangeable due to various pins being tied to ground. It appears that the flat UUT cables also have shared grounded pins so they too can only be used with their correct pods... I have been told that you can use a flat 40-pin ribbon cables with appropriate straight through connections for 585141 - I suspect others as well. Keep the ribbon cable just long enough to enable you to run the self test as they are more susceptable to noise.
John :-#)#
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