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Motorola B&W Monitors Model XM-500-11, XM5000-155, XM700-10 & XM-7000-155 transistor substitution numbers as of December 15, 2021

All monitor service I recommend that you start with replacing small electrolytics due to thier age...

A6H = 2N4400
P2S = 2N4403
A1M = 2N3500
A8H = 2N4400
A6J = 2N4401 (verified - JR)
A5U = 2N4400
P2S = 2N4403
A5F = 2N3500
A6Z = MJ3030/2N5157/2N3902
P2W = 2N4403 (verified - JR) - note if you have no vertical sync replace Q10 (sync. sep.) first
A1C = MJ3029/2N5151
A2J = 2N4400
A8G = 2N4409
A8W = 2N3442
P2V = 2N4030
D1D = 1N4007
D1K = 1N4007
91A05 = 1N4005
D1C = MSD6102/1N914 (2 REQUIRED)

No guarantees of accuracy, this is from a list I got years ago from Motorola...

We have schematics and service info on these monitors, plus parts...

(jrr-at-flippers-dot-com for those who do not have their browser set to open their email client)
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