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A guide to using "News Groups" to search for help for your game's problem: Update (June 12, 2013) from Jason, a Rec.Games.Pinball contributor about reverting back to old style Google Groups: Well gang, I've figured it out if you'd like to revert to the old google groups. 1. From Google home page, sign into your account.
Below last edited on
December 23, 2022
(Written by David Gersic (with thanks & updates (Google search!) by JR)) "Hi John, I've got this Twilight ZONe game that I caN'T seeM to get workIng correctly. Can you tell mE what's wrong with ... ;-)" There's a difference between being new ("newbie") and being a twit. Newbies can learn; twits aren't interested in learning to use the tools at their disposal. So, in the spirit of trying to help people learn, and possibly saving John his sanity for Christmas, here's a quickie introduction to the wonders of the DejaNews UseNet archive. Since March 1995, virtually every message posted to the rec.games.pinball newsgroup has been archived by DejaNews (recently renamed to Deja.Com). These messages are in a searchable database. No matter what your question, complaint, or problem, there is a good chance that it has already been asked, voiced, or discussed, and the archived messages contain the information you need. DejaNews used to have a nice, simple, easy to use search facility. Since transforming themselves in to Deja.Com, this is no longer available, as DejaNews has been taken over by Google. Now Google has set up a site with access to all the original messages from the late 1980's and on... A much simpler interface has been put up on the web at this URL: http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search (rec.games.pinball for example) The first field in this form is the most important one. It is labeled "Find messages" and it is the one that you will put the terms you are looking for in to. For example, if you have a Williams Twilight Zone pinball machine that when you are playing it, it tends to act as though the power switch has been flipped off then back on again, especially during multiball, you could enter "twilight zone power reset multiball" in to the "with ALL the keywords" field. The second most important field is the one labeled "Newsgroup". Since you are looking for information about a pinball machine, put "rec.games.pinball" here. Click on the "Search" button and you will get back a list of messages that might be useful to you. Or, maybe not. You may get many thousands of messages, or only a few. Vary your keywords to get more or less messages in the list. Adding keywords (with "all" selected) generally makes for fewer messages. Adding keywords with "any" selected generally gets more messages. Try "twilight zone power reset multiball" and you will see only a few messages. Remove "multiball" from the keywords list and try again. Play around with the keywords, and using "any" vs. "all", and you will almost definitely find what you're looking for. |
(jrr-at-flippers-dot-com for those who do not have their browser set to open their email client) |