Problems with Microswitch K7: Updated
Symptoms include; Display shows #4 only, flashing 8 continuously or CD/record picked up and put back continuously.
Here is Microswitch K7 (click picture to enlarge image)
What happens is the white (now black) plastic actuator can crack or break off completely. An emergency repair is to use a small piece of inner tube (about 1/2 inch by 1-1/2 inch strip) wrapped around the shaft and held with a gas hose screw clamp as shown below. Set the shell of the clamp so it activates K7 when the gripper are is in the home position and the record/CD clamp has opened fully.
and a fuzzy close-up (sorry) 
To replace the K7 actuator (link to purchase) you will need the following tools: Philips Screwdriver, 10MM wrench, Slot Screwdriver.
1st, Have the jukebox in the rest position (gripper arm settled over carousel) and unplug, then unscrew the plate under the mechanism to gain access to the E-clip holding the Carousel in place:
, , 
2nd, now remove the bolt holding the frame for switch K8, and turn the plate out so you can now lift the gripper arm out of the way and then remove the claw control arm from the shaft, remove/replace old/broken the K7 actuator:
3rd, now the K7 actuator is adjusted. First, with the actuator bolt loose, press down on the actuator until you hear K7 switch "Click" - note the position of the actuator relative to the gear box - now continue to press down on the actuator until K7 switch 'bottoms' out. Note this position. Divide this result by 2 and set the actuator at that position and tighten the bolt. Take care not to over tighten the bolt or you will cause the new actuator to split sooner or later. Tight enough to hold the actuator without being able to push it out of adjustment is about right. You are also trying to get the actuator set so that K7 switch is activated with a bit of over travel:
Now replace the carousel (E-Clip!) and replace the screws holding the plate under the mechanism and you should be done. Test the operation of the replaced actuator by turning the jukebox on, then switching the "Service" switch (SC&C) to on and press the "LT" button. Now button #7 on the keyboard will operate the gripper arm to do 1/2 cycle (put CD/Record on player or remove it). Check this several times, then turn off the "Service" switch on the SC&C and press the "LT" button again. Now the jukebox should be ready to play normally.
John :-#)#