Pinball parts department...
Last edited on
October 13, 2024
Gottlieb System 1 replacement MPU - by Ni-Wumpf.
Bally/Stern pinball games need:
The ULTIMATE MPU (go to my current page for BALLY or STERN pinball games replacement MPU and/or DRIVER boards) from ALLTEK Systems...this can replace any of the following MPUs that are often failing in your old pinball game:
BALLY pins:
Baby Pac, Black Jack, Black Pyramid, BMX, Centaur, Centaur II, Cybernaut, Dolly Parton, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd., Elektra, Embryon, Evil Knievel, Fathom, Fireball II, Fireball Classic, Flash Gordon, Freedom, Frontier, Future Spa, Gold Ball, Grand Slam, Granny and the Gators, Harlem Globe Trotters, Hotdoggin', Kiss, Kings of Steel, Lost World, Mata Hari, Medusa, Mr. & Ms Pacman, Mystic, Night Rider, Nitro Ground Shaker, Paragon, Playboy, Power Play, Rapid Fire, Rolling Stone, Silverball Mania, Six Million Dollar Man, Skate Ball, Space Invaders, Speakeasy 2, & 4 Player, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Star Trek, Strikes and Spares, Super Sonic, Vector, Viking, Voltan, X's and O's, Xenon.
STERN pins:
Ali, Big Game, Catacomb, Cheetah, Cosmic Princess, Dracula, Dragonfist, Flight 2000, Freefall, Galaxy, Hot Hand, Iron Maiden, Lazer Lord, Lectronamo, Lightning, Magic, Memory Lane, Meteor, Nine Ball, Nugent, Orbitor 1, Pinball, Quicksilver, Sea Witch, Split Second, Star Gazer, Stars, Stingray, Trident, Viper, Wild Fyre.
Other (conversion kit) gpins:
Black Sheep Squadron, New Fathom, New Vector, Sexy Girl, Big Ball Bowling, Big Bat Baseball, Black Beauty, Shuffle, Genesis, Puck Bowler.
"Pinball Machine Care & Maintenance" Published by Bell Springs Pinball Alley.
"Every person who owns a pinball machine or who is thinking of buying one, will find a wealth of valuable information and step-by-step help in this thorough manual. Packed with information, tips, and clear instructions, thoroughly illustrated and indexed."
Gottlieb pinball bumper stickers - 1970's styling. $9.95 each, in green or red. Note: Actual stickers are perfect repros.
Electromechanical (EM) Reference books: $25US each Parts catalogs from $15-$25US
An example from one of our Bally "Introduction to Bally Flipper Games" (Electro- mechanical) $10US, Williams and Gottlieb also available.
Page 25 - Score Drum Unit
To add and accumulate the players score, a number of drum units are
used. These are 10 position, continuous rotation, type of step up
units, with an attached plastic drum numbered from 0 to 9. some
drum units also have a 10 position bakelite disc and wiper assembly,
for additional circuit applications. A switch that opens at the
zero position allows the unit to be "cleared" to zero or index position,
for the start of a new game. Another switch that opens at
zero allows the reset relay (or start relay) to remain energized to
guarantee that all drum units "clear" to zero.
During the course of the play of the game, a ninth position make switch
is used so that the unit's next pulse will also advance the adjoining
drum unit; for example score of 19 to a score of 20. An end of
stroke break switch is used to break the lock-in circuit of the point
relay. The lock-in circuit is used to insure a proper advance of the
drum unit.

A Thumbnail of the Drum Unit, click again for blow-up.
Pinball Rubber ring chart - you will need Adobe Acrobat to view or print this...
Rubber Ring Cross Reference chart
Rings in Inches |
Bally |
Gottlieb |
Recel |
Stern |
Williams/Segasa(A)/Sonic(A) |
23/64 |
R-206-11 |
A-14793 |
15-020-not certain |
7A-125 |
27/64 |
A-15705 |
15-020-not certain |
5/16 |
R-243 |
A-10217 |
15-021 |
7A-120-031 |
23-6300, 23A-6300 |
7/16 |
A-17493 |
23-6599 |
3/4 |
R-521/R-137 |
A-10218 |
23-6301 |
1 |
R-521-1 |
A-10219 |
15-022 |
7A-120-100 |
23-6302 |
1-1/4 |
7A-120-125 |
23-6303 |
1-1/2 |
R-521-2 |
A-10220 |
15-023 |
7A-120-150 |
23-6304 |
2 |
R-521-3 |
A-10221 |
15-024 |
7A-120-200 |
23-6305 |
2-1/2 |
R-521-4 |
A-10222 |
15-025 |
7A-120-250 |
23-6306 |
3 |
R-521-5 |
A-10223 |
15-026 |
7A-120-300 |
23-6307 |
3-1/2 |
R-521-6 |
A-10224 |
15-027 |
7A-120-350 |
23-6308 |
4 |
R-521-7 |
A-10225 |
7A-120-400 |
23-6309 |
4-1/2 |
R-521-8 |
7A-120-450 |
5 |
R-521-9 |
A-10226 |
7A-120-500 |
23-6310 |
5-1/2 |
6 |
23-6429 |
Shooter Tip |
1872 |
23(A)-6327 |
Flipper - small Red |
A-13149 |
Flipper - Yellow |
R-406-3 |
15-046 |
Flipper - Red |
A-13151 |
15-046 |
7A-121 |
23-6519-4/23(A)-6505 |
Rebound Rubber |
R-115-4A |
A-1344 |
15-033 |
Note that the average rubber ring kit for a pinball is $15 - $20US, this includes flipper rings, post rings, and ball shooter tip. We can provide ring kits for most of the pre-1995 games. We also carry black rings...