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  • 5114 NVRAM Module

5114 NVRAM Module

5114 NVRAM Module


No More Batteries!

This is a premium quality Battery Eliminator / NVRAM replacement for the 5114 RAM used in arcade machines & might work for the 6514 RAM used in Zaccaria Generation 2 machines. Once installed, you can remove the batteries from your machine and your high scores / settings will be saved for many years to come!

Replaces a 2114, 5114, 5514, 6514, 9114 or compatible pinout 1024 x 4 SRAM. These modules use CYPRESS F-RAM nvram ICs rated at 151-year data retention & 100 trillion reads/writes. Module installs easily into any IC socket.

Please note some games may require removal of the existing RAM and installation of a 28-pin IC socket (included) to use this nvram module.
See the COMPATIBILITY LIST below for more info.

Batteries leak. Even brand new batteries from major brands have leaked a year or two later for no apparent reason and cause hundreds of dollars in repairs or replacement of boards and components affected. Upgrading to NVRAM will save you time, money and any future worry of battery damage. It's one of the best mods you can do to your games.


The 5114 Module should work with many arcade games that used a 2114, 5114, 5514, 6514, 9114, etc. Note that the F-RAM chips latch each address on the falling edge of the /CE (chip enable) line, so in the hardware being upgraded the /CE line must be toggled for every read/write (not tied to GND). There may also be timing or other hardware incompatibilities to take into consideration. The chip enable circuit can be verified via schematic, but the toggling of the chip enable line on every read/write would need to be verified via logic analyzer. Some games may require a 4700uf-12000uf 25v filter capacitor across the 12v power supply if the power supply is a switching supply (where the power collapses quicker than a linear supply when the game is turned off).

A few arcade games that the 5114 NVRAM is compatible with:

  • Berzerk (replace RAM at location 1E and set W11 jumper for "6514" per manual)
  • Blaster
  • Bubbles (needs 2x of these nvram modules to replace RAM at locations 0B & 1C)
  • Frenzy (replace RAM at location 1E and set W11 jumper for "6514" per manual)
  • Joust
  • Joust2
  • Qix
  • Robotron
  • Sinistar
  • Splat
  • Stargate
  • Zookeeper

*Note: Use the 5101 nvram module for Defender.

Please let us know if you've used this module successfully in other arcade games so we can add them to the list!


For pinball machines, download the "Pinball NVRAM Game List" PDF document to find what type of NVRAM you need for each game you'd like to upgrade. This will also help identify what games are plug-and-play and which require soldering for installation.

Additionally, check out the compatibility chart below for board diagrams showing the location of the RAM on the board, difficulty of the installation & any other usage/installation notes.







Boards listed as "*requires socket installation" above (just WILLIAMS mpus at this time) will likely require the existing SRAM to be desoldered/removed from the board and a socket installed in its place. If you do not have proper equipment or experience to desolder ICs and install a socket, this mod may not be for you. Again of all the manufacturer's MPUs listed in the compatibility list above, only Williams MPUs would require socket installation. All other MPUs had sockets installed from the factory so they *should* be an easy swap with the existing RAM. If you're installing into a Williams MPU, please be aware of having to unsolder/remove the existing RAM chip and install a socket. Before purchasing the nvram module and understand the risks involved in attempting to upgrade your board. Any attempt to modify your board is AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you aren't comfortable with performing the modifications (should your board require any for nvram installation), please seek professional installation or use a remote battery pack instead.

NVRAM is shipped in anti-static foam & anti-static bag. Installation instructions PDF is here.

5114 NVRAM Module

  • Brand: Pinitech
  • Model or Part Number: Pinitech5114
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $44.95 USD