Wurlitzer - USA

Parts for coin operated phonographs from the late 40s through the late 70s when Wurlitzer USA shut down.
(You can purchase reprints of the WURLITZER SERVICE MANUALS available if you click here)
- 1015
- 1100
- 1250
- 1400
1500/1600 (click for parts PDF)
- 1650
- 1700 (click for parts PDF)
- 1800 (click for parts PDF)
- 2300, 2304, 2310 (click for parts PDF)
- 2400
- 2500
- 2600 (click for parts PDF)
- 2700/2710 (click for parts PDF)
- 2800
- 2900 (click for parts PDF) (same parts used in the 3000 except for cabinet)
- 3000 (click for cabinet parts PDF) (same parts used in the 2900 except for cabinet)
- 3100 (click for parts PDF)
- 3200
- 3300 (click for parts PDF)
- 3400 (click for parts PDF)
- 3500 (click for parts PDF)
- 3600
- 3700 (click for parts PDF)
- 3800 (click for parts PDF)
- 7500
- 1050 - Nostalgia/Sonata series (click for parts PDF)
1050 Left Pilaster
(Part #141883)
The left side pilaster is almost identical to the right, but it has a notch...Last NOS (New Old Stoc..
$359.29 CAD
1050 Right Pilaster
(Part #141882)
The right side pilaster is almost identical to the left, but it does not have a notch...Last NOS (Ne..
$359.29 CAD
3400 Mountain Scene
(Part #134704)
This is the original colour mountains and stream translight for the 3400 series jukeboxes. I'm told ..
$100.53 CAD
LOCK NUT - knurled collar for tray hats
(Part #25877)
This is a new knurled lock nut collar to enable you to set your Elevator Rollers (tray lift hats) mo..
$7.19 CAD
Wafer Board - Transfer or Play/Mute switch
(Part #124486C)
The little fibre composite board breaks and then what do you do with the switch?We've CNC'd a replac..
$21.49 CAD
Incandescent Transparent Red
(Part #10S14/TR)
130V, 10W Transparent Red light bulb with standard Edison lamp base. Used in jukeboxes...
$14.30 CAD
Incandescent Transparent Yellow
(Part #10S14/TR)
130V, 10W Transparent Yellow light bulb with standard Edison lamp base. Used in jukeboxes...
$14.30 CAD
Lock and Key - Cash Box Door
(Part #139712)
New Old Stock (NOS) lock used in Wurlitzer jukebox cash doors - UNIQUE KEY:3800..
$114.90 CAD
Lock and Key - Cash Box Door
(Part #139128)
New Old Stock (NOS) lock used in Wurlitzer jukebox cash doors - UNIQUE KEY:36003700..
$114.90 CAD
record Lift Arm Right and Left Guide Tips (pair)
(Part #65730/31)
No longer available - these were original guide tips 65730 & 65731.I might make some more if the..
$0.00 CAD
RW100 Lock
(Part #128770)
New Old Stock (NOS) RW-100 lock used in Wurlitzer jukeboxes:3100 (Americana I)3200 (Americana II)..
$143.64 CAD
Bushing 1/2 ID x 5/8 OD x 5/8 Long
(Part #Bushing_1/2IDx5/8OD)
This sintered bronze bushing is used in the restoration of Wurlitzer SIMPLEX style mechanisms from t..
$14.30 CAD
Bushing 1/4 ID x 3/8 OD x 1/2 Long
(Part #Bushing_1/4_IDx3/8_ODx1/2_Lng)
This sintered bronze, oil-impregnated (SAE841) bushing is used in small motor bearings like turntabl..
$14.30 CAD
Bushing 3/8 ID x 1/2 OD x 5/8 Long
(Part #Bushing_3/8IDx1/2OD)
This sintered bronze bushing is used in Wurlitzer SIMPLEX style mechanisms from the 12, 16, and the ..
$14.30 CAD
Cancel or Latch Keyboard Solenoid
(Part #124925)
Fits models 2200-3800Originally for Cancel Solenoid in Coin Register Mechanism. Now used to replace ..
$143.64 CAD
BUSS Fustat screw-in, Dual-Element fuse - sold individually, the photos of the box are for informati..
$14.30 CAD
GMQ 0.8 A
(Part #GMQ0.8A)
GMQ 8/10A BUSS Fusetron Dual-Element fuseUsed in:AMISeeburgWurlitzer..
$21.49 CAD
GMQ 1.6 A
(Part #GMQ1.6A)
GMQ 1-6/10A BUSS Fusetron Dual-Element fuseUsed in:SeeburgWurlitzer..
$21.49 CAD