Gottlieb Game or Sound PROM/EPROM/GALs
Price is per EPROM, if you need two (or more) EPROMs then you need to order Qty 2, or 3, or 4...
We are the sole provider of Licensed Replacement Game EPROM or PROM - sometimes called Personality PROM - for any of the following Gottlieb(r) games - please tell us in the 'comments' section which EPROM/PROM/ROM you want by NAME and TYPE (Game, Sound, Display,etc.) when ordering. If you need a sound EPROM/PROM for the sound board that is the same price.
March, 2017 - adding CheckSums for comparison purposes. Typos may exist so if your CheckSum does not match the listed one ask us first to verify the number.
Note, these are made when ordered, we do not hold a pre-made stock of them. So there may be a day or two after ordering before shipping occurs.
For the System 1 PROMs, we can burn them onto a 2716 if you prefer.
Please let us know which game EPROM you need in the comments section which is found in the purchasing phase. There are several in each get one EPROM per number selected in the order.
System 1 Game Name | Game # | Prom used |
Game Prom | Sound PROM |
Sound Prom CheckSum | Date Manufactured | Number made |
Cleopatra | 409 | 409 or A | No, had Chimes | 2/1978 | 7,300 | ||
Sinbad | 412 | B | No, had Chimes | 5/1978 | 12,950 | ||
Joker Poker | 417 | C | No, had Chimes | 8/1978 | 9,280 | ||
Dragon | 419 | D | Had 3-tone PCB | 11/1978 | 6,550 | ||
Solar Ride | 421 | E | Had 3-tone PCB | 3/1979 | 9,165 | ||
Count Down | 422 | F | Had 3-tone PCB | 6/1979 | 9,899 | ||
Close Encounters | 424 | G | Had 3-tone PCB | 10/1978 | 9,950 | ||
Charlie's Angels | 425 | H | Had 3-tone PCB | 1/1979 | 7,600 | ||
Pinball Pool | 427 | I | Had 3-tone PCB | 8/1979 | 7,200 | ||
Totem | 429 | J | J-SND | 10/1979 | 6,643 | ||
Incredible Hulk | 433 | K | K-SND | 10/1979 | 6,150 | ||
Genie | 435 | L or M | L-SND | 8/1979 | 6,800 | ||
Buck Rogers | 437 | N | N-SND | 12/1979 | 7,410 | ||
Torch | 438 | P | P-SND | 2/1980 | 3,880 | ||
Roller Disco | 440 | R | R-SND | 2/1980 | 2,400 | ||
Asteroid Annie | 442 | S | S-SND | 8/1980 | 211 | ||
Test PROM, for bench test fixture | T | - |
(The chart was built from info in the Gottlieb® parts books and Mr. Pinball's reference guide)
Note that for the earliest System 80 games - Panthera, Spider-Man, Circus, Counterforce, Star Race, and James Bond where there were two (P)ROMs, we normally provide a single EPROM, you will need to do a couple of trace cuts and jumper wires on your MPU board as per this PDF. If you prefer the original two (P)ROMs then you need to order TWO PROMs.
System 80 (CheckSum = CS) Please let us know which game EPROM you need in the comments section which is found in the purchasing phase.
There are several in each get one EPROM per number selected in the order.
- Piggy Deux or GPE U2/U3 EPROM.
- The Incredible Hulk #500 (very rare!) - Game EPROM and Sound PROM Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Panthera #652 - Game EPROM and Sound PROM. 652-1X - CS=E83E, 652-2X - CS=F64C, 652-SND - CS=1A4B Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- The Amazing Spiderman/SPider-Man #653 Game EPROM and Sound PROM - Note we only provide 2716 EPROM - CS=2E5C, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Circus #654 Game EPROM and Sound PROM- Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Counterforce #656 Game EPROM and Sound PROM - Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Star Race #657 - Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- James Bond 007 (let us know if you want the Timed or 3/5 ball game version) #658 Game EPROM and Sound PROM - Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Time Line #659 Game EPROM and Sound PROM - Note we only provide 2716 EPROM, not two PROMs - board conversion from 2 X ROMs to 1 x EPROM instructions here
- Force II (ver 2 software available) #661 (from here on Gottlieb only used 2716s for the Game Prom) Game EPROM and Sound PROM
- Pink Panther #664 Game EPROM and Sound PROM
- Mars God of War #666 Game EPROM and Sound EPROMs
- Volcano #667 Game EPROM and Sound EPROMs
- Black Hole #668-2 Game Prom CS-4F52, 668-4 Game PROM CS-48DD and Sound EPROMs 668-S1 CS-272F, 668-S2 CS-316A
- Haunted House #669 (we provide 669-2 which fixes some bugs that were in 669-1) Game EPROM and Sound EPROMs
- Eclipse #671 Game EPROM and Sound EPROMs
- System 80 combined U2/U3 ROM for GPE U2:U3 board
- Test PROM - TE-1 & TE-2 ($50), for bench test fixture, includes test procedures
- Test EPROM - TE (TE-1 & TE-2 combind), for bench test fixture, single charge, includes test procedures
- Sound/Speach Test EPROMs (two EPROMs, $50, includes documents), for Gottlieb bench test fixture
System 80A (CheckSums=CS) - Please let us know which game EPROM you need in the comments section which is found in the purchasing phase.
There are several in each get one EPROM per quantity chosen.
Some of the Sound Boards used:
DROM = Sound/Speech D ROM - Sound board A6 - K2
YROM1/2 = Yamaha ROM (music) - not used in all 80B games - Sound board A6 - N3 (YROM1) K3 (YROM2)
- Piggy Deux EPROM.
- Devil's Dare #670 : Game Prom - original - CS-1982, Game Prom - RV-1 - CS-0782, Game Prom - RV-2 - CS-0655, U2 CS-F126, U3 CS-00BF, S1 CS-4CB2, S2 CS-464F
- Caveman #PV810
- Rocky #672
- Spirit #673
- Punk! #674
- Striker #675
- Krull #676 (never produced)
- Q*Bert's Quest #677
- Super Orbit #680
- Royal Flush Deluxe #681
- Goin' Nuts #682 (never produced)
- Amazon Hunt #684 (2716) GPROM CS-D5DF, GPROM-1 CS-FF5C, GPROM-2 CS-EFED - Not sure what the differences are, I suggest you stick with the same revision for now...
- Rack 'Em Up #685 (Mylstar)
- Ready...Aim...Fire #686 (Mylstar)
- Jacks To Open #687 (Mylstar)
- Touchdown #688 (Premier)
- Alien Star #689 (Mylstar)
- The Games #691 (Mylstar)
- El Dorado City Of Gold #692
- Ice Fever #695
System 80A U2/U3 ROM for GPE U2:U3 board (combined XO-326 & XO-327) - XO-326_A (U2)
- XO-327_A (U3)
Test - TE-SYS80A (for bench test fixture)
System 80B - can use with Piggy Deux! Please let us know which game EPROM you need in the comments section which is found in the purchasing phase.
There are several in each get one EPROM per quantity selected.
80B EPROM names and locations:
GPROM = Game PROM - Control (MPU) board A1 - location U2/U3
DROM = Sound/Speech D ROM - Sound board A6 - K2
YROM1/2 = Yamaha ROM (music) - not used in all 80B games - Sound board A6 - N3 (YROM1) K3 (YROM2)
- Bounty Hunter #694
- Chicago Cubs #696
- Rock #697 (GPROM, DROM1, YROM1) To convert ROCK to ROCK ENCORE you order 704-DROM1, 704-YROM-1, and 704-YROM2. This gives you the extra sounds of game 704, same game play.
- Tag Team #698
- Raven #702
- Hollywood Heat #703
- Rock Encore #704 (GPROM - same as ROCK). The differences are DROM1, YROM1, YROM2) as ROCK ENCORE has different audio sounds, but uses same program GPROM as ROCK (#697).
- Genesis #705
- Spring Break #706, original GPROM1_CS=EB3A & GPROM2_CS=EE5B. Or 706-1Ball GPROM1_CS=EB01, GPROM2_CS=E9F5 - For Single Ball Play you need to order GAME EPROM #1 and GAME EPROM #2. Dip Sw 31 turns that feature on/off. We also have the French version of this game. Also have an alternate set of Spring Break GPROM1_CS-EB3A & GPROM2_CS-EE5B - at this time not sure how game play is different...
- Gold Wing #707 checksums: GPROM1=E2E8, GPROM2=FF45
- Monte Carlo #708 Checksums: GPROM1=F121, GPROM2=E8B4, DROM1=8F88, YROM1=BF89, YROM2=9BE0 Alt MPU set: GPROM1=EB59, GPROM2=F46C
- Arena #709
- Victory #710 - Checksums - PROM1 = 02F2, PROM2 = 2B32, DROM1 = 5E08, YROM1 = D8F8
- Diamond Lady #711
- TX-Sector #712 - Checksums (English) - PROM1 =4148, PROM2 = 34B0, DROM1 = 76DB, YROM1 = 2F00
- Big House #713 - Checksums - PROM1 = 0E08, PROM2 = 8B99, DROM1 = 3821, YROM1 = D981
- Robo-War #714 - Checksums - PROM1 = 1DCA, PROM2 = 0C3E, DROM1 = 3931, YROM1 = C6FD
NOTE - for games 715 through 719 you need to modify the MPU board if not already done - as per this Technical Bulletin - Excalibur #715 English/French - Checksums: GAME PROM1(U2/3)=733F (Eng) 69C1 (Fr), PROM2=BE9E (Eng) C209 (Fr), YROM=03E4, DROM=D572
- Bad Girls #717 Checksums: GAME PROM1(U2/3)=5BF0, PROM2=F7BE or BB0D, YROM=B6BE, DROM=3FA5
- Hot Shots #718 Checksums: PROM1=40A4, PROM2= C4BF, DROM1=7048, YROM1=3858
- Bonebusters Inc. #719 - Checksums - PROM1 = 13FC, PROM2 = 02F2, DROM1 = AADF, DROM2 = 1D21,YROM1 = 8FFD.
- Test - System 80B.U02 - for bench test fixture
Special game based on System 80B hardware and software made by International Concepts: - NIGHT MOVES - C101: Checksums - PROM1 = 33D8, PROM2 = 390D, DROM = B87E , YROM = 24B2 - note jumper mod to 2732 plus a trace needs cutting with a jumper wire to A15 on the CPU is also needed. Details available, click here.. Note game displays NIGHT MOVERS - this is correct as far as the original code goes on the EPROMs. Can be changed if you want for a fee to NIGHT MOVES as I have to beat up the code a bit and that takes time...
System 3 (CS = CheckSum) Please let us know which game, sound, or display EPROM you need in the comments section which is found in the purchasing phase. There are several in each get one EPROM per number selected in the order. For System 3 Sound EPROMs you need to give us either the location or the label info to order: DROM1, YROM1, AROM1 - and other labels if there is an auxiliary sound board... The sound EPROM is not changed for later game revisions, unless otherwise shown below.
System 3 EPROM names and locations:
GPROM = Game PROM - Control (MPU) board A1 - location U3
DSPROM = DiSplay PROM - Display Controller board A8 - U3
DROM = SounD ROM - Sound board A6 - K2
YROM = Yamaha ROM (music) - Sound board A6 - K3
AROM1/2 = Audio ROM (sounds & speech) - Auxillary Sound board A20 U4 (1), U5 (2 - if used)
GAL-U8 - part number XO1079 (16V8) used in Video/DMD PCB for System 3 games
- Caribbean Cruise C102 cocktail game, we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game.
- Nudge-it N102 Redemption game, we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Bell Ringer N103 Redemption game, we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Lights...Camera...Action! #720, we have 3 revisions of the GPROM: Checksums: GPROM - E1F5 , GPROM-RV1 - D880, GPROM-RV2 - D169, GPROM-RV3 - E1F5, DPROM - F6D6B, YPROM - C941E (updated April 28, 2023)
- Silver Slugger #722, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Vegas #723, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Deadly Weapon #724, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Car Hop #725, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Title Fight #726, GAL-U8 & Checksums: GPROM - D9A3, DROM1- 129A and YROM1 - 2579
- Hoops #727, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game
- Cactus Jack's #729 - CheckSums: GPROM - C215, AROM1 - B20F , AROM2 - 90D5, DROM1 - 2EE6 , YROM - 8B0E, GAL-U8
- Class of 1812 #730, GAL-U8 & we have DROM1, GPROM, YROM1, AROM1 & AROM2 for this game
- Surf 'N Safari #731 - Checksums: GPROM - 69AC. Last revision is GPROM/2, fixes bug where player can get to keep existing score when starting new game by tilting 3rd ball - I need a copy of that /2 EPROM as it is not in my Gottlieb archive! All we have is the original version at this time., GAL-U8
- Operation Thunder #732 - Last revision is GPROM/1 (732/1), which increases game time by allowing some settings to be changed. Serial 87001 to 87638, GAL-U8
- Super Mario Bros. #733 - Last official revision is GPROM/2 (cs=441C) and DSPROM/2 (cs=DE45) - which increase difficulty for games with serial numbers between 90001 and 92108. ** I now (March, 2023) have GPROM/5 (cs=A5AE) and this also uses DSPROM/2 (cs=DE45), I have no idea what this /5 version adds at this time! We also have GAL-U8.
- Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World N105 Redemption game, we have AROM1 & 2, DSPROM, DROM1, GPROM, and YROM1 for this game.
- Cue Ball Wizard #734 - Note there are several revisions of this software - I just found an archive claiming to be RV-6 for Cue Ball Wizard. I have no idea what these 'fix', but they are different than the other Eproms in my collection..., 734 GPROM Checksums - Rv4 (not 4D though) = 5D7F, 734 DSPROM Checksums - Rv4(not 4D though) = 3F26 GAL-U8 I do NOT have GPROM-4D & DSPROM-4D being the known last. With GPROM-4D you add a fourth ball so if one gets trapped in the playfield the game will play on. If anyone has the two EPROMs marked /4D I would happily trade something for the contents...
- Street Fighter II #735 - Checksums: GPROM (Orig) = A094 GPROM1 = A48E, GPROM2 = 9FEF, DROM1 = 5532, AROM1 = C007, AROM2 = E2FF, YROM1 = FC32, DSPROM (orig) = 8E80 or DSPROM2 = A487. Last official revision is GPROM/1 (735-1), allows one to change settings #48 to a greater extent. I also have revisions:.RV 2(GPROM/2 & DSPROM/2)., GAL-U8
- Tee'd Off #736 - Revisions RV1 (GPROM/1), and RV3 (GPROM/3), GAL-U8
- Gladiators #737, GAL-U8, Checksums: GPROM - FC59, AROM1 - 992A , AROM2 - 76A8, DROM1 - 54FC , YROM1 - B99B, DSPROM - 93EA.
- Wipe Out #738, GAL-U8, Checksums: GPROM - 1F9B, AROM1 - C5D4 , AROM2 - DEC9, DROM1 - AFB2 , YROM1 - 7C4A, DSPROM - D635.
- Rescue 911 #740, GAL-U8 Checksums: GPROM 4958, GRPOM-RV1 2F3E
- World Challenge Soccer #741 - Revisions RV2 (DSPROM/2), GAL-U8
- Stargate #742, - Revisions: RV2 (GPROM/2 & DSPROM/2), RV3 (GPROM/3 & DSPROM/3), and RV4 (GPROM/4 & DSPROM/3)., GAL-U8
- Shaq Attaq #743 - GPROM Checksums - Orig = ? Rv1 = 5676, Rv2 = 3D53, Rv3 =?, Rv4 = 5676, Rv5 = FF12, GAL-U8
Note: 743-4 was to stop the Vertical Up Kicker from kicking many times and burning out the coil. The RV4 program only allows it to kick once and if the ball did not exit then the Ball Search will try it again. - Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street #744 - Checksums (CS): GPROM-3 = CS-AA3C, Last official revision we have is GPROM-4 =CC76 & DSPROM-1 = A762. GAL-U8. Looking for GSPROM-T1 (I have GPROM-T4 CS=AB5E), this pair of EPROMs adds Game Adjustment #73 (Minimum Game Time) for games that don't give enough time if you are under the time at the end of the last ball you will get another ball.
- Frank Thomas' Big Hurt #745, GAL-U8
- Strike 'N Spares #N111, GAL-U8
- Waterworld #746 - Revisions RV2 (GPROM/2) and RV2 (GPROM/3 & DSPROM/3), GAL-U8
- Mario Andretti #747 - Checksums: GPROM - D193, GPROM/4 - 7420, AROM1 - AA75 , AROM2 - 2069, DROM1 - 5C20 , YROM1 - 9598 , DSPROM - 2206. GAL-U8
- Barb Wire #748 (their last production game), GAL-U8
- Brooks & Dunn #749 - we seem to have a GPROM for this game...
Special game based on System 3 hardware and software made by International Concepts:
Postage - Due to postage changes, we are no longer able to send these by lettermail at reduced cost. For postage rates, simply go to checkout and see the available options.
Gottlieb Game or Sound PROM/EPROM/GALs
- Brand: Gottlieb ™
- Model or Part Number: Gott-PROM
- Availability: In Stock
$25.00 USD
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